No Sleep 'til Crafters
It's the night before the Halifax Crafters Winter Market and I'm frantically trying to sew and paint and whatnot. No Sleep Til Crafters.
One of these days I'll be all ready a week in advance (ha! unlikely!). Anyway, show is tomorrow, hope to see you there!
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Friday, December 04, 2009 0 comments
Knitting Help Needed
Hey! I need a bit of help with a knitting project. Here are the deets:
Halifax Crafters want to cover a telephone pole outside of the Olympic Centre for our December Market (December 5 and 6!).
I've volunteered to cover this (pun completely intended), but that's a lot of knitting in three weeks - especially since I'm also trying to get ready for the show. So I'm looking for any knitters/crocheters who want to help cover a telephone pole - maybe even the stop sign pole if there is time. I'm looking to do something similar to the awesome folks of Knitta Please or The Ladies Fancywork Society (among many others). If the project is successful, it could be the start of other yarn graffiti around HRM (I have some other projects in mind).
What I need is a chunk of knitting or crochet (any style/any colour/any yarn - although you probably don't want to use your good stuff) as big as you feel like making it. Yarn Bombing's Universal Measurements say that I'll need 42.75" circumfrence and we'd like to see it about six feet tall. So if you or anyone you know feels like knitting, that'd be awesome. If you want in, I just need your piece by Friday, Dec. 4 (you can email me about a drop off - crafty [at] hellopineapples [dot] com). It'll be on the telephone pole first thing on the morning of Saturday, Dec.5 and you can go admire your handiwork. You can even help with the installation if you're so inclined.
If I end up with more knitting than is required to cover the telephone pole, it'll go towards another project - but that one is Top Secret and not for blogging about (not right now anyway).
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Sunday, November 08, 2009 0 comments
filed under: yarn stash
Craft in America
I had fully planned on watching America's Next Top Model tonight, but completely got sidetracked by this on PBS:
Forget crazy Tyra! Craft In America = Awesome. (Hopefully it's only on for an hour, because there is no way I'm missing Glee at 10pm).
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Wednesday, October 07, 2009 0 comments
filed under: tv
Sock Monkey in Costume: Ghost Monkey
This guy is a project I've been working on for Love, Me. I don't usually do a lot of seasonal crafts, but they were socks with candy corn on them. I couldn't help myself. There's a devil monkey as well (the photo quality is the worst - bad lighting and my hand was a bit shaky):
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Tuesday, October 06, 2009 0 comments
filed under: sock monkeys
Ring ring ring ring, bananaphone
Something I've been working on recently:
Bananaphone! It's how sock monkeys make phone calls.
(It's crappy photo quality because I used my camera phone)
That's the first one. There are some things I plan on changing to the design, but I'm happy with it. The yellow part is from a sheet of cheap craft felt. The buttons were needle felted on. Then I did some embroidery as I am not skilled enough with the felting to put the numbers on that way. The speaker bit at the bottom started out as felting, but that didn't work so I switched to french knots.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Monday, September 21, 2009 1 comments
filed under: embroidery, felt, plush
Craft Talk
One of my favourite crafty people sent me this video. The outfits hurt my brain, but I still love it.
So craftastic.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Monday, September 21, 2009 2 comments
filed under: crafty music
Handmade Nation
Um, how excited am I about this screening at AFF:
That's right. Handmade Nation at Park Lane on Sept. 24. I am so there. With crafts in hand. Maybe even my Sublime Stitching Handmade Nation pattern. Love, Me has plans to make it extra DIY special.
And speaking of craftiness and DIY: deadline for applications to the Crafters' December market are due on Friday. Email halifaxcrafters @ with 'application request' in the Subject to get an application. It's December 5 & 6 at the Olympic Community Centre, which I predict will not only be huge, but awesome.
Now, I need to get to bed. It's late and I've got The Other Blog to attend to first thing in the a.m. and a boring book to finish before it becomes overdue at the library.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 0 comments
filed under: arts and crafts, craft fair, craft in film
Art Harvest recap
A few pictures from my table at the Crafters' Art Harvest. Man oh man. Do I ever suck at taking pictures of my work. I was hoping to use some for my application to the December market, but that's unlikely to happen.
It was a long weekend, but a good one. I'm really looking forward to the next one. Hopefully this time I'll get started on preparation more than a week ahead of time.
On another note, if you've ever "adopted" one of my monkeys, I'd love to hear about where they are now. Like this much loved monkey living in PEI:
You might notice that the eyes look a little weird. Here's a closeup:
That was an emergency eye surgery. The monkey originally had button eyes when sent up to my friends before their baby was born. When I saw the monkey over Labour Day weekend, the monkey was sans eyes and I was worried that stuffing would come out at some point (had holes where the buttons were). So those eyes were embroidered on...since they were covering holes, the embroidered eyes aren't exactly as neat as I'd like. I don't think they wee one who loves the monkey cares. She was just as happy when it didn't have eyes.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Sunday, September 13, 2009 0 comments
filed under: craft fair, paintings, sock monkeys
This is why I'm not good at delegating
The husband meant well and I appreciated the effort (it was late, he hates messy things like glue), but this is what happened to some of the tags for the sale:
glued together. oops. I'd be better off if I didn't leave it until the night before.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Saturday, September 12, 2009 0 comments
filed under: craft fair, craft mishaps
Crafters' Art Harvest
Hey there Crafters' visitors (and readers who've pretty much given up on this blog)! It's Crafters' time again!
I was really scrambling to be ready this time - houseguests, head colds and road trips meant I didn't get much done during the week. I think it all came together though. Not as many monkeys as I'd like, but there it is. (although, I took pictures of my table this time! I always forget my camera).
One of the things I really love about the Crafters' shows is getting to meet other crafters. Since I usually share a table with someone, it's a great chance to get a good look their work and talk to them about what they do. During the spring show, I got to meet Robyn of Shibang Designs. Her bags are fantastic.
Today I got to meet Colleen MacIsaac of Little Foible, whose cards I've long admired at Love, Me. It was really awesome to get to watch her paint and sketch while we were at the table. She has a One Minute Film that will be screened at this year's Atlantic Film Fest.
Seriously, the North Street Church is just chock-a-block full of awesome when the Crafters are there.
If you were thinking of buying a monkey, but not this weekend, you can always check out Love, Me Boutique on Birmingham St. They usually have a couple in stock. If you're thinking that you could probably just make one on your own with an old pair of socks, well, you totally can. I can also teach you. Watch the Love, Me events page for a schedule of crafty workshops this fall.
You can also contact me by email: crafty [at] hellopineapples [dot] com. If you're from out of town, we can arrange something via Etsy.
In the meantime, I will continue to be a horrible craft blogger, as I've gotten stupidly busy with the Other Blog (Fashionable People, Questionable Things) and I'll be writing for You Know You Love Fashion (which launches on Monday!) during season three of Gossip Girl. YKYLF is all about the fashion on Gossip Girl (the good, the bad, and the downright ugly - I'm looking at you Vanessa).
Now, I need to eat my dinner before my cat steals it. Hope to see you at the North Street Church tomorrow!
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Saturday, September 12, 2009 0 comments
filed under: awesome crafters, craft fair, love me
Jenny Hart is Awesome
Canada Day and the Fourth of July are both around the corner, so hooray for Jenny of Sublime Stitching for sharing this free pattern. You should follow Sublime Stitching on Twitter and/or Facebook so you're in the know when Jenny has something new to share.
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some stitchin' to do.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Friday, June 26, 2009 1 comments
filed under: awesome crafters, embroidery, free pattern friday
Crafters & internet finds
I went to my first Halifax Crafters organizing meeting yesterday. The ball is getting rolling for both the September and December shows. Very exciting. I've got a floor of little canvases that I'm painting. They'll probably be in the September show. I've also had some ideas for monkey accessories, but those will stay under my hat for the time being.
So, two internet things to share today. For starters, on topic with Crafters, I thought I'd share the website of Shibang designs. Roby/Shibang shared a table with me at the spring show & I found myself admiring her bags and pouches. She makes some really lovely stuff. Check it out:
That's one of her pencil cases, which are available in her etsy store.
Off topic from the Halifax Crafters is this inspiring internet find:
What? Seriously? Yes, seriously. That is a fabric "cootie catcher" & all the letters/numbers/fortunes are embroidered. How much awesome is that? It's made by the very talented Penny Nickels. I believe she sells it on her etsy site.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Monday, June 15, 2009 1 comments
filed under: craft fair
Things I found on the internet today
Sifting through Craftzine in my feed reader, I found a few things that I want to make, that are pretty and that are inspiring.
To Make:
Cupcake Cones
YoYo Blanket (I'm hoping it'll crochet up faster than the knit baby blanket I like to make for new babies...who end up getting them when they're closer to the age of 2):
Pretty/I'd like to make it (but let's face it, I probably won't...too many crafts on my plate to really start quilting. I do admire quilts/quilters though):
Sparks Baby Quilt by Alissa
It's pretty adorable, non? I like the off-centeredness of the squares. Gives it a touch of whimsy, which is a nice touch for a baby's quilt. I found this via a list of free quilt patterns collected by WhipUp.
And last - but not least:
Embroidered note by katie.cupcake:
I'm still heavy on the embroidery these days. I'm working on another baby shower quilt - still early days of embroidering the squares. This note is just fantastic. It's one of those things that when you see it, you think: oh man! why didn't I think of that! And it's a total mix of jealousy and admiration (more parts admiration than jealousy).
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 0 comments
filed under: free pattern friday, inspiration, roundup
Free travel advice and pretty downloads
I'm making an attempt to blog again and it's not always easy. It's funny. I suck at posting on this blog, yet I'm managing daily posts over at my other one. Probably helps that I have a partner in crime over at Fashionable People.
I recently travelled to Palm Springs for my yearly dose of sunshine and as always, I struggled to figure out what crafty items are allowed on the plane. It really isn't clear and seems to change with each airport. And when you try to search for tips/tricks on travel & crafts, you get more info and advice than you know what to do with. Which is why I was happy to find Craftzine's advice/interpretation of TSA regulations for crafters. Although, keep in mind that the TSA regulations aren't universal (here is a list by CATSA for when you're travelling in Canadian airports. Knitting needles fall under "Penetrating Objects" and are allowed.). Last year, scissors I was allowed to bring on the plane at LAX were confiscated by YYZ (Toronto) security. This year I didn't have problems, but I also didn't attempt to bring scissors on the plane. I pre-cut embroidery floss to save myself the headache. Although I did get some security hangups from my pencil case. For some reason it showed up as suspicious on their Xray machines. Once they took it out and dug through it, they determined there was nothing of interest (unless of course you are interested in my Stabilo markers and other pens). I packed the pencil case in my checked bags on the way home.
Moving along...I recently found a site that offers links to free downloads of pretty labels and fonts:
The site is iDIY and is all about DIY weddings. While I'm not planning any weddings (I'm about to hit the five year anniversary mark!), I'm still a sucker for pretty labels and fonts. I think the labels are the part of me that wants to organize things. I don't always succeed in organizing my space, particularly my disasterous office/craft room, but a girl can dream. I rarely do anything with the labels I download, but part of that comes from having a B&W laser that doesn't do the label designs justice (but is awesome for printing out reams of essays and academic journal articles).
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Sunday, June 07, 2009 1 comments
filed under: crafting while traveling, free downloads
i heart pineapples
As you might be able to guess from the name of the blog/my sock monkey business, most pineappley things make me happy. Some awesome pineappley things I have found online:
as always, natalie dee:
good afternoon pineapples (a most excellent advertisement):
more natalie dee!
that's it for today. Nothing particularly crafty, I know, but I've been meaning to share this. Also, I haven't been particularly crafty lately. But I'm sure that will soon change.
(If you're getting this in a reader, I'm sorry if it was posted a zillion times over. Blogger is being dumb.)
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Monday, June 01, 2009 0 comments
filed under: not a craft, pineapples
To Boldly Go Where No Monkey Has Gone Before...
While visiting Palm Springs recently, my mom & I went to see Star Trek. Which was awesome! For both the classic Star Trek fan (mom) & non-fan (me - I havent' seen a full episode of any generation of Star Trek). I mention going to see the movie because of this guy:

The Spock Monkey (not Zach Quinto) is currently on Etsy and his creator has a couple of other comic/action hero geektastic monkeys available in her store The Sock Drawer. But you may want to hurry over...she doesn't have that many Spock Monkeys in stock. I like that she has kits available with instructions, patterns, and materials. Nice idea. I may have to try my hand at making one of these for my mom, seeing as she is a fan.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 0 comments
filed under: craft in film, etsy, found crafts, sock monkeys
What I did on my spring vacation
A few weeks ago I mentioned that I was set up at the Halifax Crafters sale. It went fairly well - not as well as the Christmas sale, but that is to be expected. I really love being at the Crafters sales as I find all the other artists/artisans to be so inspiring. I need to come up with a better display for the September sale. Not exactly sure what I'll do, but I'll come up with something.
My favourite guy at the sale (and sadly, I only had my camera phone with me) was this dude:
His name is Reginald and he wore a tutu. I really need to get better at taking pics of my work. But the tutu was an afterthought, so I didn't think to actually get a photo because I was focused on the sale itself. Anyway, Reginald was the first pair I attempted to sew on my machine. I screwed that up in so many ways, I just couldn't manage to make a monkey out of him. But I still had this body and other appendiges that were so goofy, I couldn't just abandon him. So I played around one day and came up with Reginald. I'm going to keep messing around with other sock/plush creatures and monkey accessories (like tutus). Need to keep things fresh.
Something new I'm trying is embroidering eyes on the monkey and then sewing the buttons on top of that. My reason for doing this is that I prefer monkeys with button eyes, but customers with wee ones like embroidered eyes (for the safety of their own little monkies). So this is what I've come up with:
Right after the fair, I headed off to the Palm Springs area to visit with my parents. My mom and I spent some time working on monkeys. My mom is my source for awesome socks. Check out the collection she has for me:
Those are just some of the 75+ pairs of socks. Her cat Deano was a fan of our craft time:
I succumed to a nasty flu on my return, but now that I'm getting better, I'm getting back to thinking about crafts and monkeys. Right now I'm working on one of the red monkeys that the cat is sleeping on. A baby shower is coming up. The red & black monkeys, believe it or not, are a hit with babies. Most people like to buy the more pastel-ish monkies for babies, but the wee ones love the bright contrasting colours. A friend's kid would just stare at hers for ages. And at two months old, that was as much of a sign that she liked the monkey as you could ask for.
Some of the leftover monkeys joined their friends at Love, Me Boutique on Saturday. I still have a few hanging around the house and may look into putting them on etsy in the near future.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 0 comments
filed under: cats, crafting while traveling, sock creatures, sock monkeys
Halifax Crafters Spring Sale
oof. I've been Worst Blogger Ever. well, Worst Craft Blogger. I've been working on fashion blog with a friend for the past month. It's super fun, but no excuse for ignoring this blog.
This weekend is the Halifax Crafters Spring Sale. Love these sales. So much creativity and awesomeness under one roof. The North Street Church is bursting at the seams with handmade goodness. Lots of people were out yesterday, despite the crappy weather. I'm hoping for another good day today. Although I'm trying to think of a different display for today. I wasn't feeling yesterday's display.
Speaking of today's sale, I should go get ready and get out the door.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Sunday, May 03, 2009 2 comments
filed under: craft fair, sock monkeys
teeniest sweaters in the world
I have yet to see the movie Coraline. My friends tell me it's good, but I'm not a huge fan of animated movies, so I'm hesitant to go see them. I usually just wait until they are on video and friends own a copy. Not really the best way to approach such things and my friends who like animation tsk-tsk me when I say that I don't. However, I am somewhat intrigued by the crafty element of Coraline. I'm even more intrigued now that I've seen this:
Holy Cow! That's some tiny knitting with even tinier details in the knitting. It blows my mind that Althea Crome has the patience to knit on such a scale. Damn straight I'm "fascinated" by how she knits on such small needles! I know how frustrated I get when I knit socks on 2.75mm needles and she's working on 1mm or less! I think it is less fascinated and more dumbfounded. I can't even begin to conceptualize what it would be like to knit tiny gloves on .0001" needle made out of wire.
Having said all this, her work is pretty darn amazing. Such detail! And on such a small scale! It is making me overuse exclamation marks!
(found these links via the blog popped up on the grid, that I found via my friend Ally's twitter - oh the layers of the internets and that web 2.0 stuff).
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Sunday, March 08, 2009 0 comments
filed under: arts and crafts, craft in film, knit
Craftiness in Music
I really enjoy these bird illustrations by Kate Wilson. They're adorable with amusing little descriptions (and available in her etsy shop).
My enjoyment of her work coincided with my discovery of a video for Lenka's song The Show. The bird in this version of her video reminded me a bit of Wilson's birds:
that particular video (according to lenka's youtube page) was directed by James Gulliver Hancock and Lenka. I've never gotten into paper crafts, but they usually impress me. I also love the fonts (i am self-taught font geek) and the embroidery (or what looks like embroidery) in the video.
Lenka's adorableness seems to know no bounds. Check out the official video for The Show (the song itself is adorable) and watch for the plush awesomeness:
Plush birds and tomatoes! How fantastic is that?
Oh, but the awesome doesn't stop there! Here's a stop motion video of embroidery by Lenka:
My lukewarm fandom based on the song The Show has officially turned into full on crafty geek fandom. I believe it is time to get myself a copy of her album.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Sunday, March 01, 2009 0 comments
Happy Pancake Day! Celebrate with a free pattern!
It's Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), which is all about the Pancakes for me. My friend J.Lau and I whipped up a batch for dinner and they were awesome. We made regular pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes, and raspberry/chocolate chip pancakes. We then smothered them in butter and real maple syrup. The raspberry/chocolate chip were the favourite.
A few hours later, I'm still feeling stuffed on pancakes. But I don't want the day to pass by without sharing Urban Threads' awesome one day only free Mardi Gras design. You have until midnight Minnesota time to download the image or an embroidery pattern (for machine or hand). Or download them all. It is Fat Tuesday after all, which is a day that is about excess (or cooking up fat and eggs before lent. or flashing strangers for plastic beads. whatever).
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 0 comments
filed under: embroidery, free pattern friday
Good thing: All Ears Earmuffs
Does Martha Stewart have a trademark on the phrase "good things"? I hope not. Not that i'm about to start using it regularly on the blog...but I'd rather not face a cease and desist from MSO Inc.
But I digress before I even begin...
I was at the library yesterday and flipping through a copy of the Holiday 2008 issue of Vogue Knitting. This is not a magazine I usually read because I have a bit of a love/hate for Vogue Knitting. I "hate" (well, strongly dislike) the overall look of the magazine and I think most of their patterns are overly froufrou or would be highly unflattering on the general knitting population. And I do hate the idea of spending a lot of time and money making what looks like it would be a lovely knit dress, only to find out that it really doesn't suit anyone larger than an XS and will lose shape after wearing it once or twice. But, I do love seeing some of the knitting accessories that are featured in the front of the book or dreaming about having the time/money/body type to knit up my own Michael Kors sweater tunic in something lovely, like cashmere. Or having the patience to knit up a sweater on size 0000 needles.
But I happened to pick it up anyway. Probably to see what sort of Nanette Lapore knitting patterns they were going to offer. While flicking, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a little write up on the All Ears Earmuffs.
I was instantly smitten by the idea of knitting up my own headphones!
(photo credit belongs to all ears earmuffs)
Seriously? They are genius! I don't even like earmuffs and I love the idea of these, mostly because I love my iPod, but Halifax weather (it's cold from about November to May) often means cold ears. These would be perfect for the days when I don't quite need a hat, but I do need to cover my ears to keep a cold wind out.
Sadly, the kits are priced a bit out of my budget (to be fair, pretty much everything is out of my budget right now. Food is pretty much our only spending right now), starting at $34/$41 for an acrylic/wool or cotton/acrylic blend. You can spend as much as $174, if you felt like knitting up some beaver fur headphones with a leather band (yes! knitting beaver fur! although, strikes me as a bit too rich/opulent for my tastes).
I do like that they are knit and crochet friendly, although I think I prefer the knitted version. For the time being, I might try to knit up some headphone cozies for my own big headphones. They're not really portable headphones, but they will seem so much more practical if they double as earmuffs.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Wednesday, February 18, 2009 2 comments
filed under: consumption, crochet, good ideas, knit
Post no. 101
Moving sucks.
That is all.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Saturday, January 31, 2009 1 comments
Knitting video games?
I can't decide if I'm excited or confused by this Wii game. I love knitting, I love the Wii (although, I rely on friends to get my Wii fix), but Kniittiing? I guess the trick is that you learn to knit and then knit patterns of different levels of difficulty. You start with a tea towel, move to a sensible hat, and then ... an octopus toaster cover? But of course! That is the natural next step in your knitting career. (actually, it probably is. Once you figure out the practical stuff, then you knit something ridiculous).
Anyway, I'll just have to rent it and convince one of my Wii owning friends to let me play this. But I fear it will be something akin to Cooking Mama's Cook Off, which was the worst game I have ever played in the history of video games. I suspect I will only really love the Rabbids games for Wii. Those are just plain awesome.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 1 comments
The flu: a work in progress
As I mentioned before, I'm a huge hankie fan. So when I was trying to think of things to embroider on them, I thought that I'd look for images of a flu and cold viruses. My thinking was that a hankie comes in handy when you're sick. I had trouble finding an image of the common cold that I liked. The images of rhinovirus that I found looked a lot like a ball with stars on it. But the flu looked embroiderable:
Apparently those are false colours, but I liked them and decided that they'd look cool.
Since hankies are often pretty thin, I often just lay them over whatever image I'm using as a template and then trace the image with a washable fabric marker. For this one, I drew freehand, making it look as much like the flu virus as possible. For parts that are supposed to be darker, I coloured them in dark.
This was meant to be a test run for a possible series of hankies to sell, but right now it's taking far too long to complete. The french knots are taking the longest. I might try a smaller or less complicated version at some point. But for now, this one is all mine.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Saturday, January 24, 2009 0 comments
filed under: embroidery, work in progress
Cakes and Giveaways
My birthday was earlier this week. I frigging love birthdays. I love all birthdays. Most of all, I love my own. I don't even care that I'm getting older. The best part about birthdays is the cake.
That lovely cake is my very own "cake wreck." It's not a true wreck. They ordered it like that. The woman in the bakery at the grocery store thought it was an odd order, but did it anyway. My friends are awesome.
My plans to post on my first blogiversary or on my birthday didn't happen. Life has a way of getting in the way of blogging. So, I'm going to make up for it today with an Un-birthday/Un-blogivesary giveaway. I'm going to give away these hankies that I made for the Crafters Holiday Market:
I just made a whole bunch to sell at Love, Me. I'm a big fan of the hanky. I have allergies that are usually just bad enough to be annoying. No matter how hard I tried, tissues were everywhere and I probably bought a box of tissues a week. Since I started to use hankies, I've had the same box of tissues in the house for almost two years. But the trouble with hankies is that they aren't always easy to find. So I've decided to help the world out and offer them pretty hankies. These bad boys are environmentally friendly and grammatically correct!
Now, what do you have to do to win a hankie? Just leave a comment and tell me about your best or worst birthday. My best is hard to nail down, since I really do love my birthday, but last year's birthday was a good one. My friends gave me a swatch, made me a cake that looks like a pineapple and took me dancing.
(like I said, my friends are awesome).
The worst was my 19th birthday. Which for many girls in a Canadian university should be an awesome birthday, as it means you are legally allowed to visit the campus bar. For me, it fell on a Sunday and I was in a minor car accident the day before (suddenly slippery roads and the choice between an oncoming car or a ditch, my cousin wisely chose the ditch). To the credit of my friends in my section, they got the RA to let them into my room while I was away and put up balloons and a happy birthday sign (brave, considering I was notorious at the time for having a messy room).
Now, your turn! I'll take comments until Jan. 30 and choose a winner at random. Since I'm moving on Jan. 31, the winner's hankies will be in the mail that day.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Friday, January 23, 2009 1 comments
filed under: blogiversary, cake craft
Blog of the Hour: Embloggery
But let's start the new year off with a new post about a recent blog discovery: Embloggery.

December 9-10, 2008, originally uploaded by thirdpersonpossessive.
It's absolutely fantastic. Not only does Nicole Wolfersberger free-hand embroider the posts (no tracing, no writing it out in fabric pens), she does this almost daily (puts my lax blogging habits to shame!) and the posts are so much more than the embroidery pictured. You can click on links in the images to get a fuller meaning of the the blog post. For example, each letter in this post has a link to a different article or blog on Google and libraries.
The genius of this post is that it says so much without ever "writing" a word on the subject. It's actually kind of refreshing. Blogs that write a treatise on the subject du jour are a dime a dozen. This one is visual and lovely, but is so much more than just the visual. And depending on the entry, you have to work at the meaning. This one is a little easier to follow than other entries.
This blog is the kind of awesome that makes me wish I could think of something as brilliant. At the same time, I'm quite happy that someone else has thought of it: despite the fact that I embroider, I can't even begin to wrap my head around the amount of time and energy that goes into each post. Better for me that I get to admire her work.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Friday, January 02, 2009 2 comments
filed under: blogs, embroidery, good ideas