Handmade Nation
Um, how excited am I about this screening at AFF:
That's right. Handmade Nation at Park Lane on Sept. 24. I am so there. With crafts in hand. Maybe even my Sublime Stitching Handmade Nation pattern. Love, Me has plans to make it extra DIY special.
And speaking of craftiness and DIY: deadline for applications to the Crafters' December market are due on Friday. Email halifaxcrafters @ gmail.com with 'application request' in the Subject to get an application. It's December 5 & 6 at the Olympic Community Centre, which I predict will not only be huge, but awesome.
Now, I need to get to bed. It's late and I've got The Other Blog to attend to first thing in the a.m. and a boring book to finish before it becomes overdue at the library.
Posted byHello Pineapples! on Wednesday, September 16, 2009
filed under: arts and crafts, craft fair, craft in film